I went to the coffee cup with my boyfriend. I ordered the country omelette. When i got the omelette the eggs were a little watery but i just brushed it off. As i started eating i noticed there were onions in my omelette even though on the menu it didn't say there would be. As rare as it is i have an allergy to onions. Instead of throwing a fit when the waitress came around i decided to let her know that the menu didn't say there would be onions in it. She then proceeded to catch a bad attitude and tell me that the "home fires" in the omelette have onions in them. IF this is true why were my said "home fries" just chopped up potatoes that still tasted like dirt (as if they hadn't been washed) AND there were NO red or green bell peppers just giant shopped up russet potatoes and LOTS of onion. She got snappy and then sarcastically asked if i wanted her to take it off the bill. I said no it was fine we'd pay for it (should have said yes). My boyfriend and i then went to the cashier to pay the bill. After waiting for a couple minutes a man showed up to ring us up. He swiped my boyfriends card and then looked at the name. & then said, "you're Peter?" is an very questioning tone. My boyfriend hadn't heard the man so the cashier raised his voice and repeated himself. My boyfriend said yes and the cashier said i don't believe you show me your ID. Even though the cashier already swiped his card so if he was an identity thief it wouldn't have mattered. Peter showed him his ID and the cashier got super sarcastic and started harassing us and being a complete a hole for no apparent reason. Long story short the food was bad and the service was even worse. We will never be going back and i am letting all my friends and family know what an awful experience it was for the both of us. You'd think for such a small business their customer service would be excellent. It was the complete opposite. TWO THUMBS DOWN!