I had a horrible experience today at the Tempe office. Apparently my baby was scheduled for his 9 month vaccines at 8 months at the time of his last visit. I received a phone call the day before his appointment wanting us to reschedule for a different doctor since his doctor just "disappeared". I did reschedule for today and when I arrived after waiting in the waiting room exposing my kid to all the nasty sick kids coming and going, they tell me there's been a mistake and his vaccines are not due until the next month. So I pretty much came down there for nothing. There was no office manager on staff and I was asked to make another appointment. His original doctor Dr. Winterland AGAIN would not be in. I AM DONE. If a mistake can be so easily made with scheduling TWICE then what makes me think my kids going to get the vaccines the correct way???! I will not be back. I'm sick of these "cattle practices" anyways. We are humans not numbers or animals. Get your staff together and do some rehiring. Maybe hire some happier people too the old Bitty at the front was a very bad word to me when I have a right to be upset when they screw things up. NEVER AGAIN!