Do not EVER TAKE YOUR COMPUTER TO FRYS FOR SERVICE!!! PROMISE!!!! NEVER EVER! Unless you want it ruined, broken and all your data lost. Go anywhere else or to a friend. I've had computers break before and had them fixed and data recovered no problem. I went to Frys because their prices were slightly better. Their service signs say A+ rated technicians. BULLSHIT. I would of rather payed DOUBLE and have my computer and data.
My desktop computer broke during a move. they were supposed to remove the hard drive and save my files to a flash drive. They suggested putting my files in a separate "folder" on my laptop that they were also repairing. the files were all jumbled up and when they later killed my laptop, they were now lost. When i picked up my computer, they dropped the hard drive on the floor and it crashed and broke and they didn't want to pay me for new one because it was an "accident".
My laptop got virus. they were supposed to off load my files, reset the computer and reload my files. They said the keep the files for 30 days "just in case". Well they forgot to save them and reload them, but they did manage to dump them and two years of photos, music and documents are now GONE. when they reset my computer they forgot to load the drivers and I couldn't even connect to the internet to load drivers since I had no ethernet driver.
After multiple trips back, no tech could help or take over where another one left off. they have no system for saving and storing your data, even though they say they do. they have out dated equipment (according to the techs), the managers, refuse to get involved and help res