I'm not an axe thrower.
This looks dangerous.
This is weird.
This doesn't sound like fun.
I don't get why you would do this.
Shut up.
Grab an axe or two.
Throw, dammit, throw.
Level up with a trick shot.
Realize you're the sh*t.
This was the most fun I've had in a long time. Not only does this place offer great fun with great coaches it:
-Builds eye-hand coordination
-Gets you to think about how you position your eye, hands, arms, elbows and feet
-Allows you to get over that your psychological issue that's holding you back
-Turns friends into best friends
I think this is a fun and growing trend that many people in Vegas, but elsewhere as well, are capitalizing on for great fun. Of course you have to sign a waiver. You don't need any special skills or materials to throw an axe. Is there a method to it? You bet, and within a few minutes you can throw an axe. Don't overthink it, and just do it. If you got the stamina, do the full hour and look for coupons along Fremont Street to do it.