I've been to this location perhaps two or three times, usually without issue. The most recent time was just a headache. I'll start with the positive- they were able to get me in for a same day appointment, the receptionists were polite, and the optometrist I saw was really pleasant and patient. That's where the positive ends. I felt like the technician fast-talked me into the digital images so they could get the $39 copay. Previous techs I've seen have mentioned that the digital images are helpful but not required. This girl was pushy and it grated my nerves. By the time the exam was over, I was ready to give them the $39 and leave. Unfortunately, I had to wait for a salesperson to finish up because apparently they're the only ones who accept payment? *insert eye roll here* Finally a gentleman comes up to process my payment. He's clicking and scrolling around in the computer for what feels like forever- apparently they mistakenly left a charge on my account from a previous visit and he needs help clearing it out. Finally, I pay and ask for my lens prescription- he has to go get someone to print it out. Dude. I just want to go home. Eventually I get the scrip and leave. Here's the kicker- the next day when I'm headed to Charlotte to shop for frames, I realize they've given me someone else's prescription. They can't email me my scrip because it's a HIPAA violation (OH NOW WE CONCERNED ABOUT HIPAA? As I'm staring at someone else's prescription and appointment summary!?). I have to either go back to Gastonia, have them fax it to me, or have them mail it. They won't even send the prescription directly to Warby Parker without some release form. It's a huge inconvenience for me to get my prescription, when their salesperson made the mistake. I'm highly annoyed and need them to do better.