I always hit up the cookbook section any time we're here to see what I can add to my library of cookbooks
. This time, I hit the motherlode and got a complete series from 1968 which featured the following volumes:
American Cooking:The Eastern Heartland
American Cooking:Creole and Acadian
American Cooking:The Northwest
American Cooking:New England
Wines and Spirits
The Cooking of Italy
The Cooking of China
The Cooking of Provincial France
A Quintet of Cuisines
I was particularly interested in the American cooking volumes because I love reading and researching about American Regional Cuisines and from time to time, I also like to execute some recipes and give an updated twist to it. On the other hand, I couldn't just get a few from the set, so I bought 'em all!
I also grabbed an herb cookbook and didn't pay much either...Each book was only $1.99 but there was a "Buy 4 books, get 1 free" deal, so I really lucked out!
You never know what you'll find here at Savers!....ALOHA!!!
YELP 100 CHALLENGE 2013-(74/100) "Poppin' Books, Not Tags..."