| - It's been hard for me to get a doctor here in Toronto. Seems like ppl are accepted, IF they already have a family member who's that doctor's patient. That would have been the case with me, except she relented and just went ahead and accepted me.
Finally, when I manage to get one, I'm told some off news about my health. The doctor that I now have is fairly young and inexperienced. I should have known better than to take her words straight.
Thing is, she's a doctor, one of the most trusted professionals out there.
Geez, who knew she could be that wrong.
Anyway, without getting into details, I told my naturopath and others about my experience, and some of the "off" comments and reactions she had about my then health. Their reactions helped me understand that my doctor's words and actions, were not usual.
On the plus side, my doctor recommended me to the right Specialist. I will give her that - I've appreciated the quality of specialists that she seems to have access to.
On the down side, the way that she handled my then-health situation was professional BS.
After my visits to the Specialist proved that her hunches (and the crazy scenarios that she painted from them, and how I'd be affected) were wrong, all she could say was that she had never seen a case where it had gone from A to B. So black and white. I wish she acknowledged that some of these tests aren't factual/100% correct.
I felt that other people had to finish her job up for me, in telling me to not put all my weight into that one GENERAL test.
IF I could get another doctor, I would. I went through hell with this one.
I was with my last GP for 9+ years. I ALWAYS felt SAFE with her, like she "[had] my back".
Here, the wait time is usually 15 minutes on a good day, and over 50 min on bad ones. Ridiculous wait time for a 15 min. appt.
Seriously, if I could switch to someone I felt better with, I would.
But right now, this fairly young and inexperienced doctor, is better than nothing. Even though I could have filed a complaint with the College of Physicians and Surgeons because of her unusual lack of professionalism. I feel as though she's learned from me, and will hopefully not repeat similar reactions in the future with another patient.
Still, I live with the regret of taking her words so close to my heart and going through hell, when I should have taken a moment to question her credibility.
conclusion: this one doctor is good enough for now, but I look forward to the day that I get another BETTER and more COMPETENT doctor.