The three stars is for they're major effort to accommodate the changes with our closing date. However, as I have started painting and unpacking I am finding small hairs stuck all over my walls, Cheerios on the floor, filthy floorboards, bleach stains in the shower that clearly weren't scrubbed just pored, ect. The girls were friendly. I offered to pay more for them to stay longer (that was offered as an option) and the girls told me it wasn't needed. I told one of them I would be back after another load and she informed me that she would call when she was finished and spoke with her boss. But failed to do so. I came home and it smelt clean... I was so preoccupied that I didn't realize just how poor of a job they did. I was hoping this could be a company i would have in my first new home quarterly. But unfortunately we have been sorely disappointed. Customer service was great though.