| - This place sucks. The layout is atrocious, you need to take one escalator to get to a set of stores, then head back downstairs, and take another escalator to get to others. Confusing signs all over the place, including a pair of stickers affixed to to the floor, maybe a foot in front of the staircase, instructing you to take the stairs to, well, go upstairs. I generally don't look at the floor for directions, but I appreciate the gesture. There are half-levels all over the place, you'll find yourself walking through a corridor only to find out that you can't leave the same way you came in. It's absolutely infuriating.
The stores suck too, by and large. The HMV sucks. The pet store sucks. This Metro might be the worst grocery store on the planet. The concourse is full of dumb, entitled teenagers who haven't had to struggle a day in their miserable, small lives and seniors moving at turtle speed.
Oh, and there's often construction, escalators don't work, elevators don't work.