The Venerable Duo have recently opened their new "Express" version in the former---and quite diminutive---Goodman's Sandwich Inn location.
Though we dropped in two days after St. Paddy's Day---which for them was "just" a wee-bit busy (dyed-very-bright-green-tongue-in-cheek)---with a single day of much needed arm resting, nd fore ya knew it---it's Top-o-the-Mundy-Mornin, and back to work all over again stalwartly slicing up more of the good stuff---and we happily brought home three warm heavy bundles. But there's more . . .
As if by magic !---each single sandwich---that's right---each one---with it's typically-GENEROUS mound of thin-sliced corned loveliness---became TWO !!! Honest. I swear ! Before my very eyes ! With the simple addition of two slices of rye---from my own humble provisions---for one bundle, I now had TWO lovely bundles. And just four more rye slices, and I had a total of SIX ! Six still-VERY-BIG lovely bundles. Amazing.
Now, it was just two days after the dear saint's celebration day, but something tells me---now hear me out----do you think it's possible?---I know this sounds a wee bit strange---that maybe a w-a-a-a-y oversleeping leprechaun somehow managed to hitch a ride, then whispered in my ear something like, "get more bread...get more bread." Funnier things have happened.
Stop in for take-out magic.
With just a few of your own bread slices---it's a FEAST.
Wishing Corky & Lenny & Family the Very Very Best
in their "hardly new" flavorsome venture.