Run don't walk from Anne the Butcher! I had my preventative mastectomy over a year ago. I just now got her to refer me to a new surgeon after 8 surgeries she performed on me. I'm stuck with a right expander that's been in since LAST March and a open 6 inch wound where my left expander had been pulled 4 times unnecessarily. Her staff, especially Lyda, don't know what they're doing and are impossible to get a hold of. I had to Google my own breast surgeon's email address. I had an infection that could've killed me yet no one, including Dr Anne would get back to me. I've had to call 911 twice in the last year and even ended up on a suicide hold for the first time in my life. I attended her seminar prior to the amputation and it was nothing but empty promises. She even said Angela Jolie was back on the red carpet in 4 months. She has put me and my family through so much emotional trauma, please stay away and find people that know what they're doing and actually care.