My massage was amazing! Judy is the most experienced, skilled, and gifted therapist I've ever had! I've been getting massages for more than 20 years and know when a therapist is good or not within the first 15 minutes. Unlike most therapists, Judy genuinely cares about each and every single client and it shows in her massage. When you've been in any type of profession as long as she has and enjoys helping people find relief from pain,that is PASSION!! She truly tailors the massage according to what your body needs. For example, you may have a knot on the left side of your neck or back which would require special attention. She will massage your right side but with a different technique and pressure.
I look forward to my massages each month and if it wasn't a matter of cost, I would be going at least once a week! Truly blessed to have found Judy! :) I hesitate to post this review for selfish reasons...I want Judy for myself. Lol! :) But, I know so many people will benefit from her gifted hands and kind heart. Ask for Judy and you will not regret it!