I always forget how frustrating I find Crema and I keep giving it another chance only to be disappointed. Now they have gotten rid of 49 parallel coffee, I can't see that I will go back. The food is meh, the service is friendly but pretty useless. I mean, it's great that they smile at you when they say no, we can't do a half caf (how can a coffee specialty shop not manage to pack a portafilter with half one and half the other?), no, we don't carry 49th parallel anymore and no, we can't make the internet work.
Everything there is ok. Nothing is great, except the space. But what is the point of a great space if you don't make your customers happy in it?
This is the problem with hipsters running coffee shops: they don't actually give a damn if you get what you want as they are too busy being "alternative" and uninterested.