What I absolutely hate about this place is the fact that they take your credit card number to secure reservations. If you do not show up, they charge your credit card 25 bucks per head for each person missing! I completely understand the need to secure your reservation so you do not have an empty restaurant, but what if someone has an emergency and can not show up? Very unreasonable and unrealistic. Their food isn't good enough for me to risk the $25 charge for any no'shows. This fact alone will stop me from ever going into this place again! They also told me that "I wouldn't find a restaurant in Toronto which doesn't follow the policy of charging for those who do not show up"- I proceeded to a restaurant located directly across from them who said they can accommodate us and will not charge us if we need to cancel! Thank you to the other establishments in the area for giving us the flexibility Williams Landing wouldn't. Williams Landing, you lost a customer due to your ridiculous policy!