| - Maybe I missed doodling class growing up, but except for places where you get to draw on the tablecloth, I don't really dig the "place your own order" process. Just not in my wheelhouse. To make matters worse at WW - at least, this WW - you see a line of bags with numbers in these sleeves, with no indications of what the numbers mean.
You then have to look up to the menu to see those numbers, then you look back at the bag to see what corresponds, then back to the menu to figure out what goes where. How about putting a name on the sleeves, such as "ham", "turkey" and whatnot. Actually, a "whatnot" bag would be nice, as a #1 just has no ring to it.
Anyway, once you pull the bag, you get to fill out lots of little circles - use it like a Scantron, check that bad boy, whatever floats your boat. Choose your size, add extra meat, pile on the cheese, toppings, make it toasted. Even grab a card for milkshake or cookie. Add your name (or some nom de plume) and turn it in.
Definitely grab a cup for a drink, because their crushed ice is awesome.
Then wait. And wait. And wait some more. Maybe writing it down is better than eyeing someone while an artiste makes your sandwich at other joints, but whatever the reason, it takes way longer. It could be because they just opened. At least the staff is friendly and you have a cup of crushed ice.