Someone please tell me how this company stays in business. Our cue should have been that no-one would make eye contact with us or acknowledge us when we arrived. Granted, they are in the midst of remodeling, but that is no excuse to not provide assistance. Why not do your remodeling in the evening, weekends or early morning? When we were finally able to speak with the extremely bored girl at the front desk, she did make an attempt to find a sales associate--but honestly it was a herculean effort for her to even pick up the phone. She then said that a sales associate would be right out. Right out is not ten minutes later. We finally gave up and left the store for better horizons. This store has amazing lights and wonderful kitchen items, yet I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that while we were there, the store was overly chaotic because of the remodel, the visible sales associates on the floor were either busy or avoided eye contact and the receptionist truly stunk. I stick by my first question, how do they stay in business?