We have been to numerous restaurants for sushi across the U.S. as well as outside of the U.S. and I can confidently say that Muramoto is one of the top 3!! The reason I am posting this is not only because we love Muramoto, but because a great place requires the service to go along with the food and tonight they impressed me. We ordered takeout and they forgot 3 items and by the time I arrived home I had received a call apologizing, before I even knew this, for forgetting these items and that they really wanted to make it right. Since I used a card they credited me the items along with an additional discount for the items we actually had. I was shocked! Since I had ordered more than enough sushi already I wasn't really upset I didn't have the 3 rolls, so I was fine with what they had offered. Could I have gone another avenue in negotiating what they could have done, certainly, however how many places will catch something like this, A, and if they do will immedietly offer something in return? Only the best!