| - My first time here, I was completely overwhelmed. I didn't know where to go first. I felt like a kid in a candy store. An organic candy store.
If you aren't familiar with eating organic or vegetarian, this is a great place to start out. I don't do a lot of shopping here, I have to admit. Its out of the way and I do find it pricey - but you get what you pay for.
I do, however, stop by for healthier versions of chips, cheesies, salsa, etc. I can't keep my husband away from that stuff, so I feel better about him eating this alternative. Not to mention, I'll eat it too because I find these ones so much more flavourful.
I also love the health and beauty section. You can bring in your own bottles and fill them with natural shampoos and conditioners. Its a great way to try them out. My biggest find here was "badger balm" - its almost like the natural version of vicks vapo-rub. It is used as a sleep aid, but there's other varieties for when you are ill. It is amazing, and works better than vicks. And there's a cute little curled up badger on the tin that makes me smile. I looked for this stuff all over. Even when I worked at a nutrition/supplement store as a buyer, I tried to bring this in and corporate wouldn't let me. Big Carrot has everything though - its much better than searching store-to-store at all the small chains in Toronto.
I love coming here because I always find something new. I can't wait to go again.