Report this company to the Better Business Bureau if you want results for billing or refund problems. That is what I did several years ago and actually got someone's attention who called me and refunded my money! I am a couponer. I get tired of having to go to the store to get a newspaper (I am unable to drive), so I thought I would try it again since I got 2 advertisements in the ads in the mailbox the other day that advertised $4.29 a week for 12 months for the Weds. and Sunday papers. Well ... when you go to the website to sign up, and read the fine print, it's actually $9.95 a month! They now charge a $4.99 set-up fee for EZ Pay - but EZ Pay is your only choice! And they charge you extra for "special edition" papers and the front cover price for papers like the Thanksgiving Day paper. I don't care about the Thanksgiving Day paper - I only want weekly coupons - but you have no choice, you must take whatever paper they want to send you and you HAVE to pay for it! Guess I'll be going to the store every Sunday as usual :-(