There were some scheduling errors in the beginning with this office (they cancelled my appointment b/c they said I never confirmed but then it turned out they had documented the wrong number in the file and, as result, were calling the wrong number) but the staff was nice and Dr. A was willing to come in an extra day to take care of my initial eval. It was not ideal, though, as I had waited several weeks (and had to wait a few more) before I was actually seen. I think he is really personable and probably very competent, but I told him several times he was hurting me and that the plastic piece in my mouth was too big and hurt. He kept working. By the time I left, my jaw was so paralyzed from being stuck open for so long. I just don't think I could return for that reason alone. If a patient says "You are hurting me," then it's imperative to stop and re-adjust.
I'm also a bit concerned about his posting comments to any reviews (negative or otherwise), as it is a potential HIPAA violation to even acknowledge someone is a patient or to disclose anything about his/her treatment.