My name is Lindsay, and I am allergic to mangoes. OK, I've said it.
Step 1:
I admit that I am powerless over mangoes and that my life has become unmanageable.
My addiction/ allergy to mangoes ended me in the Chandler Valley Urgent Care with a very swollen and itchy face. I have never before had a good experience in an urgent care. I never before had the feeling that the doctor knew what he was doing- at all.
The staff at Chandler Valley took care of me- in the 30 minutes they promised. I filled out the usual paperwork and was seen by the doctor almost immediately. He discussed my condition with me, diagnosed me, and sent me off with two prescriptions- and advice to keep away from the evil mangoes.
I am impressed to say the least.
Hopefully I won't have to use their services again, but should I fall victim to the delicious call of a box full of Costco mangoes, I'll most definitely be returning to Chandler Valley Urgent Care.