I read all the reviews and added this place as a must visit the next time I was in the area. Finally, I arrived in Charlotte and ventured in. I was not amused at all. I was thinking I was going to walk away with quite a few items to add to my spring/summer wardrobe but instead I walked out with NOTHING!!!! Truly, I don't see what all the hype is about. Please keep in mind, this was only as a buyer, I did not fly to Charlotte with items to consign. If you are tiny, say a size 0, 2 of 4, I did eye at least three pair of 7 for all mankind jeans for reasonable prices. The shoes, not so cute. They do have a nice quantity of dresses but I didn't see one that I just had to have! Overall, not a place that I will just have to see the next time I'm in the area but I may consider giving it one more chance and if I happen to be in the area in the future, I will stop by.