This HPB seems like it needs a BIG facelift. When I went in a couple of weeks ago I was looking for some good reading material and manga. I came in to see that the store was packed with people that seemed to wondering around with no pourpose.
Their was only one person working the WHOLE store. It was rather dissapointing. And it was impossible to ask the man a question because he was constantly checking people out.
Now lets get to the books. the fiction section was terrible. They had about 50 diffrent copies of all the books that looked terrible, and i only found one book that looked ok.
The next section that I went to was the Manga section. This section was not as terrible, Now dont get me wrong, the section was VERY small. But the books where quite good. I picked 7 or 8 titles and also found one that was in Japanese!
If you go to this HPB bo not expect a any good reading, but the comics and manga are preety good :)