So tiny!!! If you are able, don't waste your time here, and try and make it to Tim and Sue's No Frills at Pacific and Dundas, and only about 5 mins drive away. It's bigger, better and more selection.
Since the place is so tiny, it seems only appropriate for small quick purchases as opposed to your entire food stock for the week, but then you run into the extremely long and crowded line up and you wonder what's the point, especially with the local grocers for produce just down the street. There's also the actual Rowe Farms store across the street if you're looking for eggs (which this no frills doesn't carry)
There a lot of the conventional stuff, but if you're looking for alternative diet type foods or organic, you may not find it here. (But they have at the other No Frills!) But there is a health food store right beside the no frills which may have what you're looking for.
Parking is free for two hours in the lots beside, which might be right considering the lineup.
Just avoid.