To say that my home theater system could use some work is the understatement of the century!! Inheriting a shoddy job of tangled wires, random extension cords, and a receiver on the fritz all shoved in the top shelf of a non ventilated pantry when I moved into my house, it was evident that a redo was in order. Vic contacted me within hours when I inquired about the setup l, gave me a rough estimate and set up a time to come check everything out. His communication and website with convenient scheduling capabilities as well as recommendations really speak to his professionalism. Vic came out, evaluated the set up, and had an in depth quote with recommendations in my inbox within minutes after leaving. After getting all the necessary supplies he returned the next week to complete the job which included rewiring the surround sound, rerouting all the current cable and receiver connections, and installing a compact wall mount unit once all the equipment was removed from the closet. Even after completing the job and discovering that my receiver had in fact died...he offered to go pick me up a new receiver that same day and went above and beyond to make sure my set up was complete and I was happy. I could not be happier with the new sleek and functional system and I don't have to be a professional to know that his wiring and system setup is impeccable. There is not a wire showing anywhere and his installation of the entire system is flawless. Vic refused to leave until the job was done right. If you want fantastic work at a reasonable price with amazing customer service, look no further. Vic is your guy!