So many unexpected surprises! I've been to the RenFaire up in Bristol so I thought I knew what to expect coming to CRF. I was pleasantly surprised but the amount of roving dance performances and singers!! Of course you could go to the stages to see the planned performances but every so often my dad and I would stumble upon a dance troupe doing a period dance or a group of characters singing a Renaissance song. I enjoyed being pulled in with them and learning how to dance "like they did back then!"
Definitely more food options than I was expecting as well. Highlights were any sweets--baked good and sweet drinks--you could get your hands on.
I had a lot of favorite performances. The Barely Balanced show was phenomenal and very family friendly. The Craic was powerful and moving. And the falconry show just blew me away with its speed, coordination, and facts. Too cool! My favorite though was probably what the cast called "The Mermaid Song" that is performed at the closing gate.
A rad way to spend my weekend in NC. Huzzah!