| - As sad as it may sound, I could spend a fortune in here. I am one of those people that thinks her cats actually care about new toys and new flavours of food.
This place, as like other Pet Smart stores, is huge. It has a great selection of toys, brushes, beds, etc for all kinds of animals.
I do wish they carried more high quality brands of foods. Wellness, mainly. But if you do some searching around you can find some great foods here without unnecessary fillers.
I always find everyone here really helpful, you're never in line too long, and there are some good sales once in a while. It is usually pretty clean, except once there was a garbage pail by the front door with a bunch of dead fish in it. It wasn't the greatest greeting but taught me a good lesson about the circle of life... I suppose.
Anyways, yes, this is my place of choice when it comes to buying pet stuff.