Outstanding all around. There's a martini for everyone in their drink list. They serve Chimay Blue and White (among other brands, but who bothers to look at those when there's CHIMAY to be had?). I cannot recommend the marinated hanger steak highly enough and my wife was really thrilled with her maryland crab cakes. The steak's sauce had a great sweet taste at first which turned into a perfect amount of spiciness in short order. The dessert menu made up for its small quantity with quality. I'd wager that everything on there is just as rich and flavorful as my cobbler sampler or my wife's chocolate mousse cake.
Our server was very attentive as well. He managed to be right there when we needed something but otherwise knew to leave us to our dining. Too often, I've experienced either the absent waiter or the helicopter waiter. This guy was the perfect goldilocks waiter--just the right amount of attentiveness.
We'll definitely be back.