I took my two chihuahuas to Scooby-Do's for a nail trim. In the past I have taken them to Petco and Petsmart for grooming and nail trimming. The problem with chain stores is that they have a high volume and I've been turned down for walk-in nail trimming several times. Or, nail trimming is seen as not very important and they do it somewhat grudgingly. Finally, they also have very strict policies about showing rabies vaccination records. If you show the records to one store, but then go to another, it won't work. I know that these rules exist for a reason-- and my dogs are always current on their shots-- but, it's seriously a pain the butt sometimes to carry the records around with you. I'm never organized enough to have them when I need them (this is more a comment about myself than the groomers...I digress....) It just seems to me to be a little too strict to absolutely insist on a rabies vaccination record for a healthy chihuahua for a nail trim. I mean, does the dog look rabid? Do I look like I would be hanging out with a rabid dog? I know, I know...you never know.
ANYWAYS, long story short: I walked into Scooby-Do's with the vaccination records (I actually remembered them!), but without an appointment. They didn't ask me for the records (they might if you do the full grooming). They immediately accepted the walk-in even though they had other dogs that they were working on. The staff was super friendly and seemed to love dogs. While I was there 3 more chihuahuas came into the shop! They let me hold my dogs while their nails were trimmed. She did a great job-- really fast and painless. I will definitely be coming back!