| - Sketchy, Hipsters, Divy, Dirty. All words I hear regularly to describe Belvedere's. All true, but not in the worst way amazingly.
My buddy loves this place and finally got me to venture away from my comfort zones and put a few back with him here.
We got there around 9:30 on a Friday night and like any other trendy dive bar it was dead at this time. We got to run a pool table and drink good craft beers for a relatively cheap price. Hmmm, good so far. I was dressed in my normal prep meets Southern Rock meets old man. And I must say the hipsters did give me some curious glances, but I found the people quite friendly and not the pretentious douche I had imagined to be occupying this hole.
A complaint I had this early on was that the pool table and dart board both were costly and normally where I frequent you just give someone your ID and you play for free, not so at Belvedere's. Sorta lame for a dive bar that looks like a dirty college party house.
Around 11pm it began to fill up and more downsides began to appear. The smoke hadn't bothered me, but once the population density rose the smoke cloud became choking. Another downside was the staff seemed perfectly fine with some strung out railriders posting up at a pool table and rolling around on the floor next to it. Hard drugs are fun!
I slinked away around 12:30 and by this time it was filled up quite nicely. My buddy seemed cool with this, but he was drunk, wish I had been too.
- Good beer / Fair Prices
- Homey, Divy Atmosphere
- Pool, Darts, Comfy Chairs
- Themed Nights
- Smoky
- Hipsters
- Gotta pay to play
- They let the Riff Raff in