I heard there was a knew phó place in mesa. Of course being the phó nut I am, I had to come and see for myself. I can now say that yes there is, and a food place. First, the place is clean and welcoming. Good place for families and friends, but also a place you could take a date to and not feel bad. Now I know you ain't reading this for the decor. You want to know about the food....
Ok, I got the #15 (rare steak, brisket and meatballs) plus the shrimp spring rolls. Start with the rolls. Perfectly crunchy and soft and tasty The sauce was sweet and savoury. The phó is the star of the show. Great broth and all the normal add-ins. Only thing missing was cilantro. I haven't found a place in Arizona that serves it with the mint. Small ding on a great meal.
The staff was attentive and quick. Didn't see them a lot. I think I scared them with all the slurping and grunting while I ate.
Should you come out and try it? I can't belive you're not on the car driving here.