FIVE STARS FOR THE DOCTOR!!! NOT FOR THE STAFF. I was referred to Dr. Degan from another dentist for my wisdom teeth removal, being a cash patient and this surgery costing $1600 you would think the front office staff would be better in customer service.
It's been a day after surgery and my pain killers are not strong enough, I called the office to ask for a higher dosage, I have to GO BACK to the office for him to take a look? Are you kidding me?? You suggest I drive like this coming off General Anesthesia and taking meds all night??? And the paperwork you need to fill out at the office asks 'DO YOU NEED A DOCTOR'S NOTE" I specifically answered YES I DO. Did they send me home with one NO THEY DID NOT! Why ask if you don't even follow through. On top of that the lady on the phone today, Julie let me know that I could COME BACK FOR ONE. Are you serious lady? If you had done your job you wouldn't put patients that are in pain running all over town because of your lack of ability to follow through, Funny enough when I was paying her the $1600 she was a different person, meaning she was NICE.
Dr.Degan? Nicest guy on the planet and knows what he is doing AND he also an MD, he just needs a new staff.