My first box of NGD arrived a few weeks and tears nearly came to my eyes as I removed the produce from the box. I haven't seen such beautiful, fresh, well packaged produce since I was a kid (and I'm no spring chicken). The carrots tasted like the sweet carrots I remember and the lettuce (with the dirt from the farm still fresh on the leaves) so full of flavor. The amazing thing is that I had come to expect most organic vegetables and fruits to be less visually appealing than the chemical type but such is not the case with NGD.
The medium size box has been perfect for our little family of four. It is delivered on our day like clockwork around 2am. The unseen elf that drops off the goodies is nice enough to open the carton and place all the contents in our cooler so everything stays nice in this boiling cauldron we call Phoenix. Furthermore, I live way out in Carefree/Cave Creek where we always expect to be on the list of places too far away for delivery. Not with NGD. It appears from the labeling they have optimized their routes so they can include many outlying areas.
Finally, there is a gentleman named Ben that works for NGD. He has been very helpful in making sure everything is going smoothly and that we are using the service properly.
We think NGD is a great value for organic produce delivered to your door and HIGHLY recommend NGD!