I should have researched more before I bought the Groupon to this place. I bought upper and lower eyeliner. I opted for just the upper though once we started.
Karen was my tattooist. She was an hour late starting as she was "fixing crooked eyebrows" that apparently another tattooist had done. She then proceeded to bad mouth the owner and the other tattooist who was a no call no show to work that day. I spend 10 minutes helping her find her phone before we start.
Karen had me draw on my eyeliner with my own pencil then she began to color it in. I later learned this is a major no no and why it got an infection after.
So she begins tattooing and as she is working says she needs a new needle as the one she has is too small. She bails for 20 minutes looking for a new needle as my eye swells shut. She finds it but can't get it loaded and the gun working right. So we are back to the original too small needle. All the while this shit hurts and my eye is swollen so I can't see anything. One eye in I want to leave but know I can't with one eye done and the other not.... I am an idiot and should have just left. For aftercare she gave me an old tube of A&D ointment not cool.
End result is the lines are a mess, no way am I going back for them try and fix it. And I have these white bumps that appeared and needed to be treated by a dermatologist. And the black has faded to a smudge grey look.
Stay away from this place.