| - As a customer who routinely receives goods from a supplier in the US through this company, I can tell you from over a decade of experience: UPS is the worst of all companies currently working in this field. Damaged goods, forgotten shipments, late deliveries, drivers who don't leave notices and endlessly conflicting information when chasing down packages... I quite literally cannot tell you the last time I received goods incident free. Unfortunately for me, my supplier only uses this company, so I've had to suffer years of dealing with these guys as my only method of delivery. Items that were shipped in multiple packages at the same time, which needed to be assembled together, often arrive several days apart from one another. The list goes on. I've spent years trying to adapt to their inconsistent service prior to the arrival of my items, in hopes of mitigating UPS' unavoidable screwups, only to be tripped up by some new wrinkle. If you have ANY other choice for sending/receiving your goods, I'd strongly advise using that instead, as it's bound to be more reliable.