| - I've always had good experiences at other Discount Tire locations, not this one though.
Here is list of things they did to frustrate me & they could potentially do to you too:
- Didn't transfer previous owner & warranty info. into my name, as asked. (found out after I threw the original paper work out, thanks)
- Broke three studs, blamed whomever put the lug nuts on last (exact same Discount Tire location), tell me it's no longer safe to put a new tire on, and give me the name of a shop that I can pay to have the studs repaired at - thanks
- Forgot to return lug key. At least here I did check, drove back, and they still had it.
- Took 4 hours to change my flat tire. I know it sounds impossible, so here's how it happened. Brought Discount the tire with screw in it & was told they will let me know if it can be repaired via text. Never receive text. Receive call hours later, as I'm pulling back into their parking lot, letting me know they forgot to text me. Arrive to find out it can't be repaired, ask for new tire to be put on car. After long wait someone comes by to let me know they forgot about my car and they will be moving it into the bay right away. Eventually someone does drive up with my car with new tire, new tire (with most tread) was not placed as drive tire as rep. said was protocol. Employe responds, "I didn't know I was supposed to do that." Leave with black finger prints all over white car, including places that allow me to confidently say that someone at Discount got to third base with my car that wonderful afternoon.
At this point I would like to mention they do offer free bottled water.