Wow! I cannot say enough about this restaurant! It was quite the experience!! The service was remarkable and the food presentation out of this world! Another reason to LOVE YELP! We would never have found this place without it.
Upon entering the restaurant, we were led upstairs to the best table in house. A second floor window seat. Even before ordering our meal, we were presented with a few tasty treats. Jerky on a clothes line, cheddar popcorn, cheese on a stick, and bread sticks with an olive oil base.
We chose the most expensive menu option. Worth every penny! THIS IS DEFINITELY WHAT I WOULD RECOMMEND!! A dinner that consisted of about 15 courses as well as a few surprises thrown in the mix. Each course was displayed in the most creative way. From a meat cooked in a clay covering served with a hammer to break the clay or your cotton candy tree displayed like an orchid I will never forget this restaurant experience. It will certainly be one to talk about for years to come!!