| - I really like the staff here! My cat, Ichabod, has visited twice and he probably isn't the biggest fan but what cat looks forward to being put in a carrier and transported to a strange land with unfamiliar scents?
Prior to Ichabod's first visit, he had peed on the living room rug. I assumed he was letting me and my bf know that we had wronged him in some way. When he peed again on the bathroom floor a couple of days later, I began googling and it led me to a website which planted the idea in my head that my cat might have a urinary issue. I basically Web MD-ed my cat and panicked so I frantically started calling vets in my area; I wanted to rule out any medical issues before concluding that this was just behavioral.
The receptionist was friendly yet professional, wonderful phone skills and did not pussyfoot around when I wanted an estimate for the urine tests. We set up an appointment for the next day and my boyfriend took him in since I had work. He said his experience with everyone was great and I believed this when the Doctor gave me a followup call to let me know he's healthy and offered advice on how to remedy the peeing issue. She sounded like such a sweet and down to earth lady!
For Ichabod's second visit he was going to get buzzed down to a lion's cut because his fur was getting matted around his armpits and genitals; he has super long hairs. When I returned in the afternoon to pick him up, I could hear him hissing at the staff and he didn't recognize me initially because he was backed up in the corner of the kennel. Once he caught my scent, he quickly tried to hide within my coat and begged me to take him home. I hate making my cat upset but the cut was worth it; he is visibly happier, softer, cuddles more because he's not getting overheated and struts around like he's hot stuff (the groomer told me the last part would happen and she was spot on). Also, LOVED the groomer...I believe it was Nicole.
Anyways, this is probably the longest review that I have ever written on Yelp so far. York Mills Animal Hospital is a great place! Take your furry babies here!