I am living proof-IV rescue has saved my life. After drinking vodka (fuck, I hate vodka) till the sun came up for a bachelorette party I came home only to sleep for an hour and head straight out to the pool on the 4th of July to continue the festivities. I woke up still drunk and hungover-such a weird experience. Anyways, I knew I was going to need reinforcements if I was going to make it in my current state and in the 110+ weather. I tried it all. Water, food, vitamins and literally every other trick I had up my sleeve-NOTHING was working and I was convinced I was on my way to a slow death. It was around 3 o'clock when I had to call it quits, leave my ladies and get my ass home. I text Marshall as I walking to my car in the parking garage of the Hard Rock practically offering my first born child if he could come to my rescue and kick this hangovers ass. He had someone at my house within 30 minutes. The whole IV process didn't take more than 20 minutes-It was painless, refreshing and again a life saver. I was 3/4 of the way through my IV bag and I was already feeling better. After the IV treatment I took a 20 min nap and I woke up feeling like God came down and kissed my forehead! I was as good as new! When you're lying on your death bed and your brain feels like a dried out sponge. Call IV rescue and they'll IV your ass back into great shape in no time!