Dr. Grace Chung is a greedy dishonorable hack who I met through the Liberty Dental Plan of Nevada (Obama Care)...
But you see, Dr. Grace Chung intentionally delays her appointment schedule so no one on Obama care can see her for over 3 months?
But I go online and get an appointment the next morning; and the place is empty. They are clearly cherry picking their clients (they later block all online appointments).
To make a long story short, Dr. Grace Chung refuses to give me a comprehensive exam, she refuses to treat my pain, and she abandons me without cause.
Finally, Liberty Dental removes her from their roster, and they have assigned me a new dentist. Dr. Grace Chung is a greedy hack and a liar.
Find a real dentist who cares about eliminating your pain (rather than someone who cares about lining her pockets with more gold).