I've been here a couple times to accompany my sister and mother for their medical problems. This two star is for the sh^tty emergency room. We came here before 9 pm and left at around 1 am unfinished with the examination because it was taking far too long and my mom's blood pressure returned to normal after being a startling 190 to begin with. A couple things I'd like to point out: there were only two doctors working at the section (so I've been told) so things were taking *extremely* long, there wasn't a person for around 10 minutes at the EMERGENCY pit stop #1 where you have to go before going anywhere else and we were told to wait until to come back (srsly?), they left a thick long needle in her hand and expected her to wait like that until the doctor came again and perhaps needed to take blood again. She had the needle in for about 25 minutes and then had to ask to have it taken out because it hurt so much. Seeing the amount of other people waiting to be seen after seeing the doctor once, it was clear that we would've had to wait another two or so hours. It was ridiculous especially for an emergency room.