HO-LY, CRAP! I can't get enough of this store. I'm there so much most of the associates know me by name and I'm just some jackass who took up painting as a hobby. Very friendly staff, VERY knowledgeable. Seek out Susan. She's a short woman with an ever-changing hair color. She knows EVERYTHING. If she tells you something is/isn't a good buy, LISTEN!
Most of the associates there are/were/are trying to be artists so you can generally find someone with experience with the stuff you're looking for. They have sales constantly and discount cards. I have even been told something along the lines of "this is awesome, but wait 'till it's on sale." I love the honesty.
I started painting with acrylics when an old art major friend was cleaning out her closet and found a bunch of old Liquitex Basics (aka, good for beginners, complete crap to anyone else) and they helped me evolve up the lines. I probably wouldn't still be painting/drawing if it weren't for this store. And this is all coming from someone who didn't take an art class until the ripe age of 24. Science jerk here.
I have yet to find an art supply store with more reasonable everyday prices, and their sales can be insane. Flex those creative muscles and get yourself a starter kit of (insert your medium here)!
Also pets are very welcome (so long as they behave). When I don't have my papillon with me the staff clearly misses her.
I love you filthy, artistic, asses!