| - The review is retro as I was reminded recently just how bitter I was about Grand Lux. We went there TWICE in our weekend trip and, for the life of me, I cannot fathom why. Vegas is the land of seafood buffets and supposedly *good* buffets in general. Yet, somehow, we ended up in Grand Lux. TWICE. So bitter.
The food was ... well, it was Grand Lux. It wasn't horrific, but it wasn't anything that you would remember or even think about a day later. Also, since the portions are unnecessarily huge (and, I assure you, you are paying for every ounce of it), we had leftovers so we jokingly asked the waiter if we could put it in the Grand Lux fridge. He said sure and that we could come back and get it later. Total fake-out.
We came back the next day and asked a different waiter for our food. He looked confused and told us that wasn't allowed at all (health violation?). So, I ask, First Waiter, why would you trick a bunch of tourists with promises of potential leftovers? That's just wrong. And mean. And I don't like Grand Lux. Go eat at a buffet. I heard the one at Rio was good, but I wouldn't know, because I was eating at Grand Lux *sob*