My wife & I had to move from AZ to Alaska (AK) due to military orders and needed a winterization kit added to our 2007 Honda Accord EX. American Five Star Transmission installed the engine block heater incorrectly (upside down, in line versus Y line, and too high. This caused our engine to overheat while in AK and had to be towed to Honda dealership. It was NOT covered by warranty (vehicle only had 14k) miles. The Honda certified mechanic spoke with American Five Star Transmission directly and explained why they screwed up the engine BUT they would not take ownership! We had to take pictures of everything and finally take them to Small Claims Court for over $2000 in damages, not to mention the devaluation of the vehicle now. Had to replace gasket and rebuff the engine block. We are waiting for a court date now. The owner spends a lot of time in Jordan (Eric Ali) and wasn't around to speak with or serve the court papers. We had to have a certified court server SERVE the company. The manager, Jerry, told the Server he wasn't a manager and they don't have one...essentially lying. Don't do business with this company!!!!