| - Word to the wise: DO NOT come here and expect to do your weekly shopping on a regular basis unless you have some serious cash to throw around, and even then I would suggest you spend it somewhere else. It is so expensive! And unjustifiably so, considering you can get several of the organic products at the Harris Teeter for less money, if that is what you are into.
The one section I did find to be worth browsing through is the shampoo/skincare section. If you are into the all-natural products, you will find them here - I have only seen a few at the Harris Teeter but hopefully more will creep in. For the time being though, check out Earthfare. For everything else, skip it. Even Harris Teeter has fresh and tasty fish and produce (especially the South Park Harris Teeter for fish).
Also, as most of you hard-core organic-sseurs already know, labels can be tricky - certain products that market themselves as "green" and "earth friendly" are in fact the same as the less obvious, less expensive products, you just need to do a little homework. And the less obvious ones can be found as the Harris Teeter among other places. Also, keep in mind that just because a product says its organic doesn't mean it's that much better than the conventional version - some are worth it while others are not. Here are a couple of links to help you determine what to purchase, plus a list of foods worth buying organic:
Hope you find it helpful!