Do not move here! So many ghetto people. My neighbors get the cops called on them every week. The pools are locked for the first half of summer every single year. The cabinet work and plumbing was done by an amateur and is falling apart even in the remodeled units. Also, in a very bad area, there are always cops circling the apartments. The laundry facility on site has 3 washers for the entire first half of the apartment complex and is poorly secured. I had my laundry stolen a few nights ago and the manager refused to do anything about it. The maintenance staff are idiots, they don't know what they're doing and they're rude, they speed through the parking lot in they're golf carts. I cannot wait to leave this place. TRUST ME, the cheaper rent is not worth the loss of your peace of mind...
Also, the rent is ridiculous. I'm paying $650 a month for a small one bedroom apartment with a broken fridge, toilet, and a/c. When I first moved in last year I was paying $580 and when I renewed my lease they surprised me with $650. HOW IS THAT EVEN LEGAL?!