| - For the non-Mexican food lover, you'll find their hamburgers to be adequately sufficient. It's just a Plain Jane type of burger, lettuce and tomatoes. A simple man. Yet, good and filling, it's a burger at a Mexican place. Nachos would be a second choice, but they're really just mini, greasy, delicious tostadas. I love them! Order the Small - you're not going to be able to finish it, so don't bother ordering the Large. Oooh, almost forgot about a picky kid's choice: a giant cheese crisp! This can also be an appetizer for a large group, just add salsa zigzags all over that biznatch.
Slightly Mexican inclinations? Their lovely, giant chimichanga is what I set my standards to. It's delicious.
Margaritas are strong and the staff are friendly. Salsa is super spicy and chips crisp. Grew up here and when I visit Arizona, Poncho's is always a must.