| - I should have known better when, I bought tickets to the Washington D.C. Christmas show and my friends remained silent. Start to finish, this show was just a huge disappointment. Hokey, outdated, four or maybe five guys, one overly dramatic woman (playing a synthesizer - one handed!) with what I am guessing was some sort of background tape to beef up the sound. Yes, there was a small cadre of violins but no way did the group produce that bigger sound. Cheesy Christmas scenes displayed on a fuzzy screen was - I guess - supposed to distract, and for me, it did as I kept thinking someone might introduce them to a video art app or maybe any computer program. Just outdated. The creator, Chip Davis, addressed the audience from somewhere else reminding us about this updated 2016 version of the show. Really? If you love Burl Ives as Frosty the Snowman, this is the concert for you! They called it in. The soloist, daughter? (brought to us via that fuzzy screen again) sang from another concert venue, probably in another century too. Maybe she's now a granny. The drummer gave little balance to the rest of the group just banging away as they stood on their "marks" never attempting to liven it up with movement. I never thought much of the 70's fashion-wise, and this concert solidified those feelings. Some people did give them a standing ovation but then, they were baby-boomers and I suspect hearing impaired. At $100. a ticket (times two,) this baby-boomer felt robbed.