While shopping today at Yorkdale Mall we decided to stop for lunch at the Villa Madina in the food court. We ordered two falafel sandwiches and when asked what we wanted like to drink we asked for two glasses of tap water.
The young man behind the counter told me the water was broken. I asked him if that was so, how did they clean their hands. He told me that his manager, who was standing right beside, him told him to say this. Needless, to say we were a little shocked and surprised. If it was true that the water was broken, then the staff should not be allowed to serve the public, following simple public health rules.
Our guess was that the manager did not want to serve us tap water, encouraging us to buy a bottle of water. We were dismayed and sat down and had our lunch. We were however, given glasses of tap water after we asked by a competitor.
While watching the counter we were surprised a couple of minutes later to see a young woman being served the very tap water we had asked for. When we asked what happened we were told the water had been miraculously fixed in the space of five minutes. The experience left us disappointed not only with the franchise in question but also with the Villa Madina name. I guess the lesson is never to expect even basic customer service from a food court counter.