| - Simply put, EDC was a magical experience! Insomniac surely delivered on their promise to provide a once in a lifetime experience to stimulate all of your senses. I often found myself standing in the sea of people in awe and memorized by the fantastic lights and the humming from the speakers!
My field of expertise is the event industry and I have to say that I was impressed by the flow, ease and organization of the event itself. The fact that lines were never too too long (there will ALWAYS be lines, people) and getting most places was fairly fast, gets a check mark in book for awesomeness. With 100K+ people, this is not an easy feat, but Insomniac pulled it off flawlessly in my experience.
Now onto production and line up! As I said, being within the events industry, I was amazed at the staging, rigging, lighting, props and sound! There are 8 stages and each were evenly placed just so that when the sound of one stage would be drifting into the night desert air, you'd pick up the next stage's sound in an instant. There was no competition for sound and everything seemed to flow nicely. Line up was awesome. There's something for anyone with an interest in EDM. Between the 8 stages, you will find most genres on EDM and the crowd to go with it. You could dance with the angels at Kinetic Field or down with the devils at BassCon, either way there was something to tickle your fancy and get your feet moving.
My music interests are very widespread and I've been to many types of concerts, however you will never encounter a better crowd then the EDM folks. Call it hippie dippie, but I love me some PLUR. If someone bumps into you or steps on your toe, you can guarantee you will get a hug or at least a sincere apology. Exchanging kandi is always a fun way to meet new people and have an interesting conversation. If you find yourself 30k people deep in the crowd and uh-oh; you're out of water... yep, you bet some random stranger dancing next to you will give you a sip or even their whole bottle!
Dressing up is a huge part of culture at EDC... and the more creative, the better! You can theme it up with a group of friends or be a unique individual. Nothing is too far fetched for EDC. It's fun taking pictures with outrageous costumes and it's an awesome compliment when people want to take pictures with you!
The only negative thing I would say about EDC- which really isn't apart of the actual event - is the cell phone reception. It's terrible, if not non-existent. I could very well do without my phone for a few hours a day and actually prefer it, however it's definitely an inconvenience when you lose a certain friend EVERY single night you are there and you can't get a hold of them when you've arrived at your designated meeting spots. Which brings me to a pro tip- meeting spots. Definitely designate meeting spots and times within the event. This will save you the hassle, worry and drama of losing a friend for the entire night. Also, DO NOT choose the iconic giant daisy as meeting spot, as it sits on rotating platform and is always shifting.
Lastly, traffic and parking has DRASTICALLY improved. I recommend if you've got a group... take a limo. We were in and out of EDC to and from the strip in 30-45 minutes top! If you're looking for more of a party vibe, you can opt for the shuttles. That's always a fun way to meet new people and you get a direct route across the Air Force base. However, if you've got the means, the ultimate way to arrive at EDC is by helicopter. Don't worry, it's only about $2400 a person for the weekend ;) made available through Maverick Aviation, details at